Profile and Services

     The development of infrastructure, energy production, water resources, food production, transportation, results in intensive uses of natural resources such as water, biodiversity and soils. Internacional Institute of Ecology is prepared to meet new challenges by adopting new strategic approaches to natural  resources management, technological advances to solve environmental problems and new concepts of capacity building with an interdisciplinary and integrated approach.



Main areas of activities


  • Research, consulting and capacity building.
  • Environmental impact assessment of reservoir construction.
  • Planning of water resources management for watersheds.
  • New solutions for solving environmental problems such as impacts, wastewater treatment, strategic evaluation.
  • Monitoring of surface and underground water quality.
  • Environmental Management of Municipalities.
  • Ecological and mathematical modeling of water quality of rivers, reservoirs and estuaries.
  • Ecotoxicological studies.
  • Capacity building in Limnology, Water Resources Development and Management, Water Quality Monitoring.
  • Geoprocessing of watersheds, soil uses and impacts on water quality.
  • Studies on biological indicators.
  • Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs.
  • River, reservoir and watershed recovery.
  • Strategic consulting to municipal, state governments and large corporations: water resources planning, management, water conservation, multiple uses of water resources.
  • Publications, seminars and conferences.